Endless Sky – An Intimate Encounter –

“I knew myself no longer. My original soul seemed, at once, to take its flight from my body; and a more than fiendish malevolence, gin-nurtured, thrilled every fibre of my frame.” – Edgar Allan Poe, The Black Cat 
I lit the coals with yearning, 
deeper than times sand.
I stoke them with nature’s trinkets
Mischievous I take yourhand.
Tender violence my guide
Bringing you to passions door
The flames burn hot and long
We consummate the lore 
Fighting to feel not wanting to resist
Together in universal rhythm we tread 
Heat of friction driving your desire
Caught in throes, an endless sky our bed 
Tied with bonds of forbidden
Bringing creation to savor the burst,
I find you my sweet fragrance
Satiated with passions thirst.  
Scarlet silk creates your hidden visage
Tide of lust breaking ground in blurs
Flamed tongues burn hot and long
Embracing you a yearning stirs 
Air controlled by a strangled grip
Crashing through passions door
Leaving you shaking in pleasure
Gliding on weakened wings we soar
Pain creates a direction to edges new
When again on those heights we tread 
Let the torrid heat drive our desire high
Caught in throes, an endless sky our bed05152013

Related post: Holy Sanctum
Also published in Broowaha Magazine
First published in Opinionsofeye.com01262012 


“If people were rain I was a drizzle and she was a hurricane.”  
– John Green, Looking for Alaska 

The hurricane was coming.
 No more wondering, no more warning.

Grabbing the tools to put up the ply, 
I began to work, an eye on the sky
Nail after nail, I secured what was mine, 
my loose ends are bound with white twine
Wind tugs my sweaty hair now, 
as horizontal drops begin to pound
Forgetting one thing in all the hurry, 
the open front door in rain now blurry
Rampaging through my unprotected gate, 
the raging storm expresses all of it’s hate
It’s all over with damage everywhere, 
all of my belongings strewn around there

I could have prevented this wind that blew, 
had I stopped myself from loving you


She Sings

“Dance your pain, sing your sorrows, because there is nothing else tomorrow.”
Santosh Kalwar


She beckons one, she caresses you from afar.
You can’t see her, she knows you

You can’t hold her, never in your arms 

Hearing her singing in the trees, their leaves rustling her name 

Now you want her, feeling her desire
Now you long for her, feeling her power
Now you look for her, hour after hour 

Hearing her singing in the wind, the breeze whispering her name

You know she will fool you, she will give you great pleasure
You know she will hurt you, she will give you great escape
You know she will lie to you, she will give you great fantasy 

Hearing her singing in the storm, the thunder shouting her name
Left with nothing but what the struggle brings
Love wins once again, who’s next? 
She sings….. 

Also published in: Broowaha


Clouds – Promise of Change

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” – Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds 

When it comes, like clouds, forming mushrooms in the afternoon sky.
In their power, change.
Solo plumes and powerful gathered masses, threaten and bring life
In their power, change.
Eternal questions erased in a moment of violence, life given solace
In their power, change.
Take the water of pain, given without invitation, let it rain
In its power, change.

Also published in Wingposse

Harmony of Red

“I hear the question upon your lips: What is it to be a colour? 
Colour is the touch of the eye, music to the deaf, a word out of the darkness…
I’m so fortunate to be red! I’m fiery. I’m strong. I know men take notice of me and that I cannot be resisted.” – Orhan Pamuk,
My Name is Red


I hear the harmony of red, the sound coloring
the morning and evening blanket of night.
Tactile hallucinations of reality, melody of tints
bringing peace to spinning clouds.
Expressions of earths fiery embers, born in my soul,
songs of red seas to greet the darkened sky.
Eyes of primal mystery, songs of the black forest
redvisions of night reflected in searching eyes.
A harmonious melody, red repossesses
the land of my aching soul.
Be still now swirling colors of misty confusion
Red brings rest in her arms….

Also published in Wingposse, October 2012 



Harmony of Red

“I hear the question upon your lips: What is it to be a colour? 
Colour is the touch of the eye, music to the deaf, a word out of the darkness…
I’m so fortunate to be red! I’m fiery. I’m strong. I know men take notice of me and that I cannot be resisted.” – Orhan Pamuk,
My Name is Red


I hear the harmony of red, the sound coloring
the morning and evening blanket of night.
Tactile hallucinations of reality, melody of tints
bringing peace to spinning clouds.
Expressions of earths fiery embers, born in my soul,
songs of red seas to greet the darkened sky.
Eyes of primal mystery, songs of the black forest
redvisions of night reflected in searching eyes.
A harmonious melody, red repossesses
the land of my aching soul.
Be still now swirling colors of misty confusion
Red brings rest in her arms….

Also published in Wingposse, October 2012 



So Now I Float – Releasing the struggle of now

“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring 
I swam, twisting about in this tumbling whirlpool of dead leaves and rotten wood, for days of nights and nights of days. With a mighty crash my world changed, as the breaking of one old tree led to a deafening splash in the darkened corner of my misty forest. Flying through the air, touching other less lively individuals, seeing sky, then earth, then sky, then earth again as I spiraled through quiet autumns air; I deftly floated, having lost the weight of my captivity with the ferocity of my extrication. The place of my landing was not as habit forming like my prior life, it being tumultuous and ever changing. My fellow flotsam rushed by with blurring speed, leaving me chasing them in the disappearing wakes. The journey is mine now, no other soul to see, with haste the pace brings the wonder about what will be, to what is now, and can never be changed. Taking caution by the hand, binding him with cords of excited decision, I tossed him aside. Only the rushing river and the changing seasons accompany me. Soon, I will find what I’m looking for, I’m just so tired of swimming, so now I float.

So Now I Float – Releasing the struggle of now

“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring 
I swam, twisting about in this tumbling whirlpool of dead leaves and rotten wood, for days of nights and nights of days. With a mighty crash my world changed, as the breaking of one old tree led to a deafening splash in the darkened corner of my misty forest. Flying through the air, touching other less lively individuals, seeing sky, then earth, then sky, then earth again as I spiraled through quiet autumns air; I deftly floated, having lost the weight of my captivity with the ferocity of my extrication. The place of my landing was not as habit forming like my prior life, it being tumultuous and ever changing. My fellow flotsam rushed by with blurring speed, leaving me chasing them in the disappearing wakes. The journey is mine now, no other soul to see, with haste the pace brings the wonder about what will be, to what is now, and can never be changed. Taking caution by the hand, binding him with cords of excited decision, I tossed him aside. Only the rushing river and the changing seasons accompany me. Soon, I will find what I’m looking for, I’m just so tired of swimming, so now I float.

The Little Door – Rage is hidden

“Despite all my rage
I am still just a rat in the cage.”
Billy Corgan

Wondering were I got this rage

I started looking ’round the cage
Hiding in the back, a little door. 
Shocked, I never saw this before
Pressing close my ear, hoping to feel
hot to the touch, it made me kneel
Whats behind the door, I’m brave to behold
Rest assured it would soon be told.
Locked! But how do I see?
But soon the door would open to me
Turning away I vented a rage
then I heard a click from the back of my cage
Spinning and turning with a stare
I fell to my knees, all of me aware
The door swung open wide
revealing all that was crammed inside
Memories of things all bad
every one of them made me mad
And with a great breath of wind
a sudden gust that made me spin
to escape from this caged man
jumping to my feet again
I’ll not be captive to anger’s sin
I shoved the door closed with all my might
That will do for now, but then the night
I sit shivering looking across the room
at the little door hiding crazy gloom
I will destroy the insanity
without this rage I will be free
to fly again without a cry
No doors now, in my open sky.

Also published in: Broowaha

The Little Door – Rage is hidden

“Despite all my rage
I am still just a rat in the cage.”
Billy Corgan

Wondering were I got this rage

I started looking ’round the cage
Hiding in the back, a little door. 
Shocked, I never saw this before
Pressing close my ear, hoping to feel
hot to the touch, it made me kneel
Whats behind the door, I’m brave to behold
Rest assured it would soon be told.
Locked! But how do I see?
But soon the door would open to me
Turning away I vented a rage
then I heard a click from the back of my cage
Spinning and turning with a stare
I fell to my knees, all of me aware
The door swung open wide
revealing all that was crammed inside
Memories of things all bad
every one of them made me mad
And with a great breath of wind
a sudden gust that made me spin
to escape from this caged man
jumping to my feet again
I’ll not be captive to anger’s sin
I shoved the door closed with all my might
That will do for now, but then the night
I sit shivering looking across the room
at the little door hiding crazy gloom
I will destroy the insanity
without this rage I will be free
to fly again without a cry
No doors now, in my open sky.

Also published in: Broowaha