Wisdom’s Seven Pillars – Pillar #4 Quietness –

“Wisdom has built her house, she has carved out her seven pillars:”
Proverbs 9:1.
The aim of this series is to present a non-cliche, non-religious point of view of wisdom. I do subscribe to some religious interpretations of the subjects addressed, but wish to here, only point out the common understanding of the principles.
 “Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know. Keep your mouth closed… this therefore is the highest state of man.”
– Tao Te Ching 56
“One who will not accept solitude, stillness and quiet recurring moments…is caught up in the wilderness of addictions; far removed from an original state of being and awareness. This is ‘dis-ease.”
T.F. Hodge,
From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and Conscious Encounters with “The Divine Presence”

More harm is done to both reputation and relationships by my words more than any other thing I do. My first inclination should be quietness, calmness, and contemplation of the matter at hand. When I’m offended, hurt, or angry, I must keep my mouth shut, at least initially. Keeping the secrets and confidence placed on me, holding my thoughts and tongue, I protect myself and others. Talking about injustices done to me only keeps the hurt alive and fans the flames of anger. Quietness is a refuge, in contrast expressing my opinion at every turn is never necessary. There are times to express myself, but only when these conversations are governed by wisdom’s pillars. I must show restraint when my heart bursts to speak, when my stomach aches to exact verbal revenge on those who are against me, when my pride wants to tell everything I think I know. Holding my tongue and keeping knowledge and opinions to myself produces confidence and inspires the same in others around me. In quietness and confidence is my strength.


“It is impossible to suffer without making someone else pay for it; every complaint already contains revenge.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“You’ve such kind eyes sir, full of sorrow not all your own.”
Thank you kindly, but you don’t see, all that rages beyond.
A slasher lives, who wants to burn and pillage, watching
those who are proud to suffer humiliation and pain, like
what they did to me and to my loves. My innocence
ravaged, I only want to burn, my slashing blades edge
finding their neck. To see their flesh bubble and burst,
their tongues swell with pain and heat, just a little
revenge on those who with violence reign and terrorize,
I’ll burn their Babylon with brimstone and hot black oil.
The trouble comes when, without expression on those,
someone will pay and perhaps not one who deserves it.
An unsuspecting soul, who in a fit of unlucky anger,
raises a fist to the slasher and the fury is unleashed.

It’s Not About Me – Depersonalizing Offense

“It is wise to direct your anger towards problems — not people; to focus your energies on answers — not excuses.” – William Arthur Ward
“How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.” 

What does it take to drive the anger and hate from my heart? These things come to life in me when I see or experience pain and injustice. Life offers a great helping of suffering that can ruin me if I keep it inside and take it personal. Not every experience has to do with me, people are who they are, regardless of who they interact with. If I respond to them from the point of view that it’s ME, then I respond with self-criticism, hate, and anger. These situations are likely not about me, they are, however, showing me a weakness in my character that is there regardless of the offense or offender. I understand when they hurt me, their behavior exists apart from me, it happens regardless of my presence in the matter. By putting aside the personalization of these offenses, I am able to respond to that situation with the attitudes that set me apart from anger and hate. These attitudes include patience, giving good in return for bad, and living in a continuing joy that exists regardless of favorable circumstances. Seeing these, the offender will likely suffer more at seeing my success and happiness than if I continued to validate their actions by responding with the only thing they know: more anger, more confrontation, more violence, and more hate. There is time and a place for confrontation, even for violent retribution, but for now, I’ll take that punch on the chin, turn and smile, and live my life to its fullest. What does it take to drive the anger and hate from my heart? To never take personal the stupidity and selfish actions of others and to respond, not in kind but, with the best revenge, a life well lived.

It’s Not About Me – Depersonalizing Offense

“It is wise to direct your anger towards problems — not people; to focus your energies on answers — not excuses.” – William Arthur Ward
“How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.” 

What does it take to drive the anger and hate from my heart? These things come to life in me when I see or experience pain and injustice. Life offers a great helping of suffering that can ruin me if I keep it inside and take it personal. Not every experience has to do with me, people are who they are, regardless of who they interact with. If I respond to them from the point of view that it’s ME, then I respond with self-criticism, hate, and anger. These situations are likely not about me, they are, however, showing me a weakness in my character that is there regardless of the offense or offender. I understand when they hurt me, their behavior exists apart from me, it happens regardless of my presence in the matter. By putting aside the personalization of these offenses, I am able to respond to that situation with the attitudes that set me apart from anger and hate. These attitudes include patience, giving good in return for bad, and living in a continuing joy that exists regardless of favorable circumstances. Seeing these, the offender will likely suffer more at seeing my success and happiness than if I continued to validate their actions by responding with the only thing they know: more anger, more confrontation, more violence, and more hate. There is time and a place for confrontation, even for violent retribution, but for now, I’ll take that punch on the chin, turn and smile, and live my life to its fullest. What does it take to drive the anger and hate from my heart? To never take personal the stupidity and selfish actions of others and to respond, not in kind but, with the best revenge, a life well lived.

The Snake – There is someone out there as dangerous as you

“Never assume that the person you are dealing with is weaker or less important than you are. Some people are slow to take offense, which may make you misjudge the thickness of their skin, and fail to worry about insulting them. But should you offend their honor and their pride, they will overwhelm you with a violence that seems sudden and extreme given their slowness to anger.” Robert Greene, 48 Laws of Power

“What gets me is the laughter. Laughing, mocking, putting me to shame. Be careful to never shame others, there is someone out there just like you, like me, waiting in the shadows for the final stroke, the lash that brings to light the hidden madness. Be careful young soul that you do not mock the snake.”

I coil around these young, nurturing their venomous beginnings. Ever aware, hyper-vigilant, to protect and bring to maturation these slithering things. Theyve become my children. In them I invest my time and energy, daily laboring, thinking about their growth and how they will manifest in this humbled time. My nest, being formed in the moist and dark, is where they grow, and where the stench festers inciting more depravity from the natural courses that flow so easily. The rubbish of shame and hate piled on my fertile ground, gives rise to a perfect incubator for my brood. Throw another log on you spoiled soul, forget not that under your insults, warmth and protection brought about by numb insulation, cords piled high, will let my life swarm. Not one bite will injure you, but many, not from one direction, but from several. You gave me advantage by leaving the dark crevices where I crawl and my thirst for poisoned blood grows. I can prosper in obscurity, in the loneliness you force on me with your betrayals and mocking laughter. Night has come, I find myself drawn from the pile. You forget that life grows dark even in your world and there is where I prosper, having grown accustomed to the dimness in your dungeon. Feel your skin crawl as sounds of my approach come near. I taste your fear with my carefully timed flicks of tongue. I feel your vibrations, you can’t run. Where will you go? Naturally you will find a dark place, a hole to run to. There I will catch you, and the dull red of your hatred of my life will flow thickly into my long furnace. Here the heat will consume you, and I will crawl, satiated with revenge, leaving the bones and fur of your carcass as testimony to the lethality of leaving your shamed captives alive.

Imposter – Revenge is not mine

“Everything I want to hear, or afraid to
Spoken with sweetness, I’m lied to
Clothed in harlot’s dresses, draw me close
Words sweet in duress, imposter I chose
Winking with sultry eyes, words conceal
My ruin never to come, imposter revealed”



Sitting right next to me, I know what you just said. How can you just smile at me? What hardness must come over your heart to slide the knife of hatred and slander through my ribs, pushing deeper with every traitorous word? Taking joy in my pain, clapping your hands in my suffering, slow yourself down. Today it is my lot to take on these trials, but soon, my Judas, the dish of pain will be yours to savor. Your punishment will be sure as the rising of the sun; and gradual though it may be, the full heat of the day will bear on your life, burning the flesh of your cowardly soul. Joy is not mine, as it was yours, to see suffering, I wish for you to learn the error of your wayward tongue. Perhaps you will grow, or perhaps you will perish; karma has you pinned down now and soon you will see, with vivid detail, the writhing of a suffering a soul, for it will be yours only to bear that heavy load.