Leap Of Faith –

“The foolish ask many questions the wise cannot answer” – Oscar Wilde
“Of the making of books there is no end, and much study leads to exhaustion.” 


Questions are a sign of intelligence and creativity but they can lead to an endless, tortuous circle of reasoning. Why did that tragedy happen to me? Is God male or female? Will I know people after I die? These inquiries can exhaust my mental and emotional energy, leaving me with no strength to push through the day at hand. Questioning my beliefs, my existence, my experience, is necessary, but I must lay down these pursuits and find a place of peaceful existence should my questions go unanswered. What follows is a leap of faith that eventually brings sense of well-being to my life. There I have to understand that I don’t understand, admit my finite power of mind, lay down my notepad, my calculator, my psychoanalysis, and find the peace that will guide me though the dark valley of the unknown.
Also published on Broowaha
First published in Opinionsofeye.com

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Words. Deep thoughts. Eccentric. Madness. Lover. Dark. Music. Melancholic. Beaches. Addict. Primal. Curious. Dichotomy. Gemini. "I am a series of small victories and large defeats, and I am as amazed as any other that I have gotten from there to here." - Charles Bukowski "I think and think and 99 times I'm wrong. But on the 100th time, I'm right." - Einstein

8 thoughts on “Leap Of Faith –”

  1. I've used the phrase “We could go insane trying to figure that one out” many times in my practice as a professional counselor. If a person is functioning well in spite of what happened in the past, then it really only serves him or her to build on the “functioning well” part.

    Excellent post.


  2. I've used the phrase “We could go insane trying to figure that one out” many times in my practice as a professional counselor. If a person is functioning well in spite of what happened in the past, then it really only serves him or her to build on the “functioning well” part.

    Excellent post.


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