Un-circular Reasoning

“We are dying from overthinking. We are slowly killing ourselves by thinking about everything. Think. Think. Think. You can never trust the human mind anyway. It’s a death trap.” – Anthony Hopkins


I followed my thought,

I just knew it was true.
It led me down the way,
I loved it straight through.
When I arrived at what
I thought was the end,
it spun me around
to start over again.
So the circle continued,
long day after long day.
My thoughts ran me ragged
They were more than I could pay.
At that moment of decision
confused but now I know,
just because my thoughts lead me,
doesn’t mean I should go.

Also published in: Broowaha


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Words. Deep thoughts. Eccentric. Madness. Lover. Dark. Music. Melancholic. Beaches. Addict. Primal. Curious. Dichotomy. Gemini. "I am a series of small victories and large defeats, and I am as amazed as any other that I have gotten from there to here." - Charles Bukowski "I think and think and 99 times I'm wrong. But on the 100th time, I'm right." - Einstein

6 thoughts on “Un-circular Reasoning”

  1. I really liked your poem…

    I agree our thoughts have power to make us suffer and deceive ourselves; but they also have great power to alleviate our suffering and enlighten our worlds.


  2. I really liked your poem…

    I agree our thoughts have power to make us suffer and deceive ourselves; but they also have great power to alleviate our suffering and enlighten our worlds.


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